While driving through Wyoming we came to a place called Independence Rock. Approximately 400,000 emigrants passed by this rock on the Oregon Trail in the 1840’s thru the 1860’s. This marked the halfway point of their 2000 mile journey and their goal was to be here around the Fourth of July, thus the name Independence Rock, to ensure their passage over the western mountain ranges before winter set in.
Independence Rock.
It was a tradition for the pioneers to inscribe the rock face, unfortunately, this tradition continues to modern day.
And, of course, there were many who started the trip but never got to see their dream come true.
While walking around the rock we startled this antelope who would move to the left out of our view then come back out to look at us.
As we were leaving Salt Lake City we took this picture for our friend John to let him know there is still going to be a supply of salt for his next meal.
Will we ever make to the end of this straight away?
The Sierra Nevada mountain range as we approach Lee Vining, CA.
Until next time,
Dave and Sandy
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